Success Stories

March 7, 2023

Starting your own business after redundancy

Rowena Lloyd-Thomas has always liked the idea of running her own business.   As a child growing up in Rhyl, she watched her parents run successful B&B […]
April 24, 2023

The power of volunteering – PRIME Cymru helps Kelvin through hard times 

When Development Officer, Mike Evans, met army veteran, Kelvin Preece, he was struggling with the loss of his wife and his confidence levels were very low.  […]
May 15, 2023

Jay Jones proves it’s never too late to turn a passion into a business 

Music has always been a huge part of Jay Jones’s life. Growing up, she had many musical influences and enjoyed several different genres. Over the years, […]
June 26, 2023

Microgreens business inspiring children to enjoy healthy foods!

PRIME Cymru client, Stephan Parry, from Bridgend, is using his passion for his microgreens business to educate local children on the benefits of healthy eating.   ‘Happy […]