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PRIME Cymru helps Huw to finally pursue his passion

Huw Blacker, from Swansea, has always loved painting. After school, he went to art college and got a degree in Fine Art. 

But Huw found himself following a different career path, working for many years in youth work. 

After completing another degree in Youth and Community Work, it seemed like art was always going to be just a hobby. But a redundancy presented Huw with the opportunity to finally become a painter professionally. 

He has now set up as an artist and mural painter, with support from PRIME Cymru’s Tracy Eynon. 

Bailetonach: Scottish Croft, by Huw Blacker

Tracy has provided Huw with feedback on his business plan and helped him with funding applications. 

Huw said: “Tracy has helped me to access really crucial funding, which has given my business a really positive start and is a big step forward for me.  

“I wouldn’t have known about the funding otherwise, so a huge thank you to her.” 

Through the grant, Huw has been able to buy his own fine art printer, allowing him to print professional quality prints at home. 

Huw’s preferred style is semi-abstract landscapes and experimental work, which can be seen on his website, Huw Blacker Art. 

He has also secured contracts painting murals in a local care home. He now hopes to combine his background in community work to bring an educational element to his business, with the aim of creating community projects that regenerate urban spaces. 


As Huw’s portfolio grows, he’s glad that he was finally able to pursue painting as a career.  

He said: “I’m really pleased with my decision – I’m doing something that I love.” 

If you would like help to follow a new career path, PRIME Cymru offers free support to the over-50s in Wales. Get in touch on 01550 721813 or email  

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