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What is a DWP 50+ Champion?

We chatted with Anna Spiteri, one of DWP’s 50+ Champions in South East Wales. 

Anna Spiteri, 50+ Champion in South East Wales

What is the role of a 50+ Champion? 

The role of a 50+ Champion is to help maximise employment outcomes for people aged over 50. Since Covid, it’s been recognised that this age group is finding it particularly difficult to get back into work.  

We engage with employers and other organisations to help raise awareness of the barriers older people face in accessing work. 

What are some of the barriers that older jobseekers face? 

Many of the jobseekers we work with have very low confidence. We also see a lot of health issues, low IT skills and caring responsibilities, making it difficult to find work. 

What do the 50+ Champions do to support older jobseekers? 

We now have 50+ teams within the Job Centres and we work closely with organisations like PRIME Cymru to ensure they get the best possible support. 

We’ve been running jobs fairs with dedicated slots for the 50+ age group. We have a list of age-friendly employers that recognise the benefits of hiring more experienced workers.  

We run Midlife MOT sessions, focusing on health and finance. They help clients to plan ahead for the future and signpost them to the right support.  

We also have work psychologists available to help people change mindsets, if they are feeling low in confidence.


Don’t ever think you will not be valued because you will be a very valued employee.

You have a wealth of skills and experience to offer. 


What would you say to a jobseeker who is over 50? 

Don’t ever think you will not be valued because you will be a very valued employee. You have a wealth of skills and experience to offer. 

PRIME Cymru’s Mike Evans has been working closely with Anna and her team to engage with 50+ clients within the Job Centres. Mike has been helping with employability skills, overcoming barriers, confidence building and keeping CVs up-to-date. 

PRIME Cymru’s Mike Evans

He said: “The beauty of the 50+ Champions is that they are working in the same direction as us, with the goal of supporting the over 50s to overcome any barriers to work. 

“It’s about helping jobseekers to understand that they have so many transferable skills.” 

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